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2024, August

NSW farm safety alert: safety measures for agricultural workers
NSW farm safety alert: safety measures for agricultural workers
SafeWork NSW recently urged the 81,000 agricultural workers in the state to undertake work the safe way or ‘no way’ approach to work following a significant increase in reported agriculture industry safety incidents. In 2013, there were 149 reported agriculture industry safety incidents in NSW, however, this number more than doubled to 358 incidents in 2022 – an increase of more than 140 per cent.
Cattle handling safety: top tips to prevent farm deaths and injuries
Cattle handling safety: top tips to prevent farm deaths and injuries
WorkSafe Victoria recently called on cattle farming businesses to prioritise human safety elements in their operations following a number of recent incidents and fatalities in the agriculture sector.
Leading vs lagging safety indicators: A guide for proactive safety management
Leading vs lagging safety indicators: A guide for proactive safety management
For organisations looking to shift from lagging safety indicators to leading indicators, they must first address their preparedness, priorities and safety culture maturity level, according to recent research. Specifically, leading indicators must be adopted with a systems-thinking approach where they are developed and used in a work context involving people and technology, rather than merely focusing on human behaviour or identifying leading indicators for machinery or plant.
Effective psychosocial safety strategies for OHS professionals
Effective psychosocial safety strategies for OHS professionals
Although most businesses strive to do the right thing by their employees and reduce psychosocial risks, the complexity of this task means most organisations are still struggling to comprehensively address workplace mental health challenges, according to the Black Dog Institute.
Shield Our Heroes: A Safer Healthcare for All 
Shield Our Heroes: A Safer Healthcare for All 
Imagine walking into a battlefield, not armed with weapons, but with compassion and knowledge. For healthcare workers, this is their daily reality. They stand on the frontline, facing an invisible enemy that can strike at any moment. Every patient is a potential battle, and every interaction carries the risk of exposure to harmful pathogens.