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2024, June

Beating the Chill: A Guide to Winter Wear and Safety 
Beating the Chill: A Guide to Winter Wear and Safety 
Don't let winter freeze your plans! This guide equips you with layering techniques, best material choices, and tips for keeping extremities warm. Stay comfortable & productive all season long!
NSW Government to introduce industrial manslaughter offence
NSW Government to introduce industrial manslaughter offence
The NSW Government recently announced that it will introduce a bill to create the offence of industrial manslaughter, which allows for a maximum penalty of 25 years jail for an individual or $20 million in fines for a body corporate. NSW is the last state (barring Tasmania) without industrial manslaughter laws, which allow for a business or individual to be held responsible for the death of a person due to gross negligence in the workplace.
Safety alert issued after fast food employee struck on the head by falling boxes
Safety alert issued after fast food employee struck on the head by falling boxes
WorkSafe Victoria recently issued a safety alert about the health and safety risks of stacking boxes in cold rooms following an incident in which a young employee was struck on the head by falling boxes. The employee, who was restocking a cold room in a fast food restaurant, suffered a concussion and needed medical treatment. The boxes of frozen fries and patties weighed up to 16kg each and were stacked about 2 metres high.
Report shines safety spotlight on Queensland’s resources sector
Report shines safety spotlight on Queensland’s resources sector
In its latest biannual health surveillance report, Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) has underscored significant concerns in the state’s resources industry, with a sharp focus on psychosocial hazards, sexual harassment, and the implementation of the ResHealth system. These issues have seen increased regulatory attention and reporting, reflecting both heightened awareness and the persistent challenges faced by workers in the sector.
How a culture of safety impacts financial performance 
How a culture of safety impacts financial performance 
A well-developed culture of safety not only enhances safety performance but also drives financial success, according to an international research study. It found companies that invested in robust safety policies, employee training, and comprehensive safety management systems saw substantial improvements in safety metrics, which translated into better financial results.
Regulator launches campaign to reduce falls from height
Regulator launches campaign to reduce falls from height
A notable rise in serious injuries caused by falls from heights has prompted SafeWork SA to launch an awareness campaign to keep workers safe. The state’s workplace health and safety regulator today revealed that 2023 saw a 36 per cent increase in the number of serious workplace injuries caused by falling from heights across all industries compared to the previous year.
How are employers and regulators responding to industrial manslaughter laws?
How are employers and regulators responding to industrial manslaughter laws?
The introduction of industrial manslaughter laws in every mainland jurisdiction, together with recent proposed changes to laws in some states, has resulted in a renewed focus on the laws by duty holders, according to an international law firm. While the laws do not introduce any new duties, it does mean the stakes are significantly higher for companies and individual officers when it comes to dealing with the aftermath of an incident resulting in a death, said Sarah Connolly, a solicitor at Herbert Smith Freehills.
NSW: new strategy to address psychological risks in the workplace
NSW: new strategy to address psychological risks in the workplace
The NSW Government recently launched a strategy that outlines how SafeWork will support employers to manage risks and comply with their duty to prevent psychological harm in NSW workplaces. The SafeWork NSW Psychological Health and Safety Strategy 2024-2026 will be supported by $5.6 million in government funding over the next two years to deliver workplace mental health programs through the Black Dog Institute and Transitioning Well.
VIC: new guidance, inspections target forklift safety
VIC: new guidance, inspections target forklift safety
WorkSafe Victoria recently released new guidance to improve forklift safety and launched a state-wide inspection program to help drive down the toll of forklift-related deaths and injuries. The newly-published guidance provides advice to employers on the safe use and maintenance of forklifts and highlights the need to separate forklifts from people on the ground.
WA: 25,000 years of time lost to workplace injuries over a decade
WA: 25,000 years of time lost to workplace injuries over a decade
A recent WorkSafe WA report has found that the top 20 workplace hazards have led to 25,000 years of lost time over the period of a decade. Manual handling was the worst hazard group by total time lost from work, accounting for 40 per cent of all lost time, while “trips on clear ground” was the worst hazard, with 4300 years lost and 17,800 claims at a cost of $700 million.