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Blog posts tagged with 'safework'

Safety alert on machine guarding breaches issued by SafeWork SA
Safety alert on machine guarding breaches issued by SafeWork SA
SafeWork SA recently issued a safety alert following a surge in notices for safety breaches associated with machine guarding. In the first four weeks of the 2024/25 financial year SafeWork SA issued 29 notices for this type of offence compared to 120 during the entire previous financial year.
Safety alert issued over live powerline incidents
Safety alert issued over live powerline incidents
SafeWork SA recently issued a safety alert following incidents in which machinery has hit live powerlines or scaffolds being built within safe clearance distances. SafeWork SA has received ten notifications so far this year after scaffolds or plant encroached safe clearance distances to underground or overhead utilities.
NSW: new strategy to address psychological risks in the workplace
NSW: new strategy to address psychological risks in the workplace
The NSW Government recently launched a strategy that outlines how SafeWork will support employers to manage risks and comply with their duty to prevent psychological harm in NSW workplaces. The SafeWork NSW Psychological Health and Safety Strategy 2024-2026 will be supported by $5.6 million in government funding over the next two years to deliver workplace mental health programs through the Black Dog Institute and Transitioning Well.
Regulators issue reminders about child safety in the workplace
Regulators issue reminders about child safety in the workplace
SafeWork NSW recently issued a reminder to employers about the dangers of taking children to workplaces such as construction sites, following an incident in which a teenage boy was seriously injured while attending a worksite in December. On 22 December, a 13-year-old boy attended a construction site with an adult, and the boy subsequently fell from scaffolding and sustained a serious head injury which required surgery.