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Blog posts tagged with 'whs regulator'

NSW Government to introduce industrial manslaughter offence
NSW Government to introduce industrial manslaughter offence
The NSW Government recently announced that it will introduce a bill to create the offence of industrial manslaughter, which allows for a maximum penalty of 25 years jail for an individual or $20 million in fines for a body corporate. NSW is the last state (barring Tasmania) without industrial manslaughter laws, which allow for a business or individual to be held responsible for the death of a person due to gross negligence in the workplace.
SafeWork NSW to become an independent WHS regulator
SafeWork NSW to become an independent WHS regulator
The NSW Government recently announced that SafeWork NSW will become a standalone, independent regulator following a 12-month inquiry. An independent report commissioned by the government and conducted by former judge Robert McDougall KC made a significant number of reform recommendations for creating a more modern, stronger and fit-for-purpose WHS regulator.