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Blog posts tagged with 'workplace safety alert'

Safety alert issued after fast food employee struck on the head by falling boxes
Safety alert issued after fast food employee struck on the head by falling boxes
WorkSafe Victoria recently issued a safety alert about the health and safety risks of stacking boxes in cold rooms following an incident in which a young employee was struck on the head by falling boxes. The employee, who was restocking a cold room in a fast food restaurant, suffered a concussion and needed medical treatment. The boxes of frozen fries and patties weighed up to 16kg each and were stacked about 2 metres high.
Near miss prompts safety alert over unsecured lifting jibs
Near miss prompts safety alert over unsecured lifting jibs
SafeWork SA recently issued a safety alert following a recent near miss that highlighted the dangers of using unsecured lifting jibs on forklifts. A worker narrowly escaped being hit by a load of steel when the lifting jib, which was incorrectly attached to the tynes of a forklift, slipped off and landed on adjacent machinery causing damage.